What do you want to learn at eCourts 2024?

As NCSC starts our education planning, we want to hear from you to ensure the program meets your interests and expectations.

eCourts 2024 survey

We would love to hear your feedback about the topics that matter the most to you to help us shape and tailor the education program to be a meaningful experience. Please take a moment to share your thoughts on subjects or themes you would like to see featured in the education program.

Please use this survey link to submit your feedback by Wednesday, February 7.*

We appreciate your time in making your interests known to help us make this event rewarding and beneficial to you, the attendees. Feel free to forward this survey to others. We look forward to hearing from you.

*Update 2/14: Thanks for your interest, but the survey is closed. You can see what we learned at “2024 Education Poll Top Topics.”